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Right to Information Act 2005

Right to Information Act 2005


The Government of India has enacted the ‘Right to Information Act 2005” replacing the Freedom of Information Act. In order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of any Public Authority, the Act provides the right to citizens to secure access to information of general nature. The Public Sector Banks are “Public Authorities” for the purposes of this Act.


The right to information includes an access to the information which is held by or under the control of the Bank which comes under Public Authority.  For accessing the Right to Information Act, 2005, please click RTI-Act_English


The Act provides under Sections 8 and 9, certain categories of information that are exempt from disclosure to the citizens. The public may also refer to the relative sections of the Act before submitting a request for information.


Citizens can submit request for information under RTI Act by making an application in writing addressed to the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) placed at Head Office, Indian Bank, No.66 Rajaji Salai , Chennai – 600001 or through online portal by accessing the link It can also be submitted to any of our Bank’s Branches / Zonal Offices.  The applications to be filed along with necessary fee as applicable for seeking information under RTI Act.  The application shall be disposed off in accordance with Section 7 of the RTI Act.

Annexure 1
Mandatory Disclosure by the Bank under section 4 (1)(b) of RTI Act and its Annual Updation – 2024
Sl no. Mandatory obligation. Information Disclosed
i The particulars of its organization, functions and duties The Bank was established on 15th August 1907, as part of the Swadeshi Movement and so proudly shares its founding day with Nation’s Independence day. Bank was one among 14  Banks Nationalized on June 19, 1969.  In 2007, the Bank became Public Listed Bank.

With the amalgamation of Allahabad Bank into Indian Bank from 1st April 2020, the Bank expanded its footprints, business and clientele across the country.  Bank has adopted a four tier organization set up comprising its Corporate office, 14 Field General Managers Office, 90 Zonal Offices and 5835 branches including 3 DBUs along with 1 IBU (as on 31.12.2023) spread all over the country besides 3 overseas branches.   One in Singapore and two in Sri Lanka (For details click Colombo and Jaffna). Bank provides 24X7 Banking service through ATMs spread across the country. For location of branches and ATM, please refer the link :!.  

The activities of the Bank are covered by the Banking Regulation Act and the directives of RBI issued from time to time.  As on 31.12.2023, the Government of India was holding 73.84% of the equity capital with the balance of 26.16% with the general public.

For details of subsidiaries of Bank and Joint Ventures entered, please refer Bank’s website (link

Bank has sponsored three Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), for details click Tamil Nadu Grama Bank,  Puduvai Bharathiar Grama Bank and Saptagiri Grameena Bank.

For Organization structure for details click Organogram – 31.03.2024

ii The powers and duties of its officers and employees For powers and duties of the officers and employees of the Bank click Job roles/duties of Employees and Officers .
iii The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability The Administrative and Credit Powers of officers at various levels and of different scales to be exercised in the process of decision making and the procedural guidelines on the channels of supervision and accountability are decided by the Board and kept as a confidential document. The credit decisions at Branch level are taken by Branch Managers at various levels from Asst. Manager to DGM of Branch depending upon their positions. Credit decisions at Zonal level are taken by the Zonal Office Level Credit Committee (ZLCC) and Zonal Level Second in Command Credit Committee (ZLSCC).
At Corporate Office level, Credit decisions are taken at Corporate Office Level Credit Committee (COLCC – GM), Corporate Office Level Credit Committee (COLCC – ED), Credit Approval Committee (CAC) and Management Committee of Board (MCB).
The proposals to COLCC(ED), CAC and MCB are put up through Credit Steering Committee.
iv The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions The norms for discharge of the functions of the Bank are based on RBI directives with Board’s approval. For Time Norms for certain services click Time Norms for certain services in normal circumstances.
v The rules, regulations, instructions, Manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions; All branches and offices of the Bank are provided with the Manuals of Instructions, circulars and policy guidelines for discharging their functions effectively. These are all meant for internal circulation and cannot be shared with public.

However, certain information on Deposit, Loan & other Products, scheme guidelines, eligibility etc., are available in the below mentioned links.

Deposits Loan Other activities
Savings Bank A/c Agriculture Financial Inclusion
Current A/c Service charges
Term Deposits MSME Insurance services
NRI A/cs Mutual Fund
Deposit rates Corporate Policies
Lending rates Tenders / Auction
Customer Centric Service

Regulations framed by Bank Indian Bank (Employees’) Pension Regulations 1995 – Amendment * Gazette-Indian Bank (Employees) Pension Regulations Amendment-11.10.2023* Indian Bank Officer Employees’ (Acceptance of Jobs in Private Sector concerns after Retirement) Regulations, 2000 * Indian Bank Officer Employees’ (Conduct) Regulations, 1976 * Indian Bank Officer Employees’ (Discipline and Appeal), 1976  *Indian Bank Officers Service Regulation (Amended), 1979

vi A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control Based on the Laws, rules and regulations, documents such as Balance sheets, record of the staff, licenses obtained from RBI /other competent authorities for opening branches / offices etc are held by the Bank.  Quarterly Reports / Annual Report of our Bank are made available in our website in the below links:

Financial Results ;  Annual Reports ; Disclosures ; Share holding pattern

Branches hold the documents relating to customers (Such private information  cannot be shared with Public being third party information and held under commercial confidence)

vii The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereo There is no arrangement for consultation with the members of public in formulating any of the policies of the Bank.
However, as directed by RBI, the Standing Committee on Customer Service at Corporate Office includes five customers of the Bank representing the Public.The Joint Customer Service Committees at Zonal Level and Branch level are constituted with Bank customers as members to offer their suggestions/ grievances in the committee meetings and the committee meeting is held every month at Zonal level/Branch level.
viii A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public The details ported in Bank’s website

For details of Board =>click Board of Directors.

For Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer’s profile, click MD & CEO’S Profile,
For profiles of Executive Directors click ED’s Profiles.

For details of Chief General Managers click Chief General Managers
For details of General Managers click General Managers.

For statement of committees Click Names of the Committees of the Board.  The meetings of the Board, Councils and Committees are not open to the public. As also the minutes of such meetings are not accessible to the public

For further details of their constitution, purpose and the number of members in each committee, the details are available in annual reports, for annual reports click Annual Report

For Investors Services Centre, please click investors.

ix A directory of its officers and employees For the directory of officers and employees viz. SR No., name, Branch, Zone/Head Office, designation and Pay scales as on 31.03.2024 click *Directory of Officers, employees_31.03.2024 *Pay Scales
x The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations The data in the website is updated Annually as the data keeps changing from month to month due to transfers/ placements retirements. The gross salary keeps changing due to arrears of various allowances/annual increments/ change in DA/HRA etc.

Regarding the system of compensation in the Bank, it is informed that for officers, it is fixed as per Officers Service Regulations and for employees it is based on Bi-partite settlement.

xi The budget allocated to each of its agencies, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made There is no provision of budget allocation for Bank for proposed expenditure and disbursements. This provision is not applicable to banks. There are targets furnished to the various functionaries at zonal level for mobilizing Business..
xii The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes Our Bank implements certain subsidy loaded loan schemes of central government and state government viz. PMEGP Scheme, UYEGP Scheme, Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) for Textile Industry offering certain percentage of subsidy of the loan projects.

Sponsoring Departments of Central and State Government shortlist the beneficiaries of such programmes and allocate among the banks in the respective area of operation. The subsidy is managed by the respective sponsoring Departments of Central and State government.

There are different loan products of the Bank offered to the public. For details select from Loan Products under Products Menu.

The public are informed that the sanctioning authorities shall decide to sanction a loan exercising the powers conferred by the Bank after taking into consideration the facts, figures and merits of each loan proposal..

xiii Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorisations granted by it In respect of Demand and Term Deposits, there are no programmes of the bank granting concessions; permits, authorizations except the following:

For Savings Bank Deposit, additional interest of 1.00% p.a. is offered to Staff/eligible ex-staff members.

For Domestic Term Deposit for Senior Citizens, additional rate of interest payable would be 0.50% p.a. for amount up to ₹10 crore. The additional rate would be offered on deposits of 7 days to 10 years over the card rate in respect of Short Term Deposits, Fixed Deposits and Money Multiplier Deposit Schemes. Similarly, for Recurring Deposit accounts, additional interest rate would be eligible for the period from 6 months to 120 months (In multiples of 3 months). The above ceiling is applicable to all types of term deposits standing in the name of the Senior Citizen as the principal account holder at one or more branches put together. However, no Single deposit be opened in a day for more than ₹2 Cr within the overall limit of ₹10 Cr tagged to a single CIF.

Deposits of Senior Citizen opened under Capital Gains Scheme Type B (Term Deposits) 1988 Scheme is not eligible for this benefit. Similarly in the case of term deposits standing in the name of an HUF, the Karta of the HUF is not eligible for higher rate of interest, even if he is a senior citizen, as the beneficial owner of the deposit is the HUF and not the Karta in his individual capacity.

xiv Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form Information which has public/customer’s interest is ported in our web site for the benefit of our customers and public in general.For details of tenders/Bids/Auction click Tenders/Bids/Auction.
xv The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use Citizen’s charter is ported in our web site For details please click <Citizens’ Charter of Indian Bank> For details of contacts click Contacts, for details of Corporate Governance click Corporate Governance , All the branches of the bank subscribe one vernacular and one English daily news papers for the use of Public. The working Hours of the branches are displayed in the branch premises in Bold letters for the information of the Public.
xvi The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers and Asst Public Information Officers are given in the below Hyper Link General Manager is designated under Section 19(1) of RTI Act, as the First Appellate Authority (FAA) and Deputy General Manager is designated as Public Information Officer (PIO) under section 5 of RTI Act. All the Zonal Heads are designated as Assistant Public Information Officers (APIO) under section 5 of RTI Act. For details click Details of Central Public Information Officers (CPIO), Additional CPIO, Central Assistant Public Information Officers (CAPIO), First Appellate Authority (FAA), Additional FAA and Transparency Officer All FGM Offices and Branches are also authorized to receive RTI applications. For fee details under RTI Act, please refer the Right to Information Rules, 2012. For model application form click application format.  The applicant is required to enclose proof of cash remittance, if any paid as application fee, along with the application under RTI Act.  Applications with Court fee stamp are not accepted.
xvii Such other information as may be prescribed; and thereafter update these publications every year The information relating to public is ported in the Bank’s web site from time to time. For details of financial results click: Financial Results, for information relating to investors click Investors, for annual reports click Annual Reports.  For guidelines on appointment of external auditors, click Empanelment of audit firms for conducting Concurrent Audit. The information under section 4(1)(b) of RTI Act is updated annually.

Details of RTI applications received and disposed:

Year RTI application received RTI application disposed
2020-21 4851 4686
2021-22 4725 4788
2022-23 5215 5040
2023-24 10371 10374

Details of First Appeals received and Order issued:

Year First appeal received First appeal disposed
2020-21 800 768
2021-22 871 883
2022-23 901 901
2023-24 792 792

Training of employees

     year No. of  Employees
2020-21 637
 2021-22 8962
2022-23 13871
2023-24 9496


>> Click Here for Exemption From Disclosure of Information of the RTI Act
Note to Public: Redressal of Grievances is outside the ambit of RTI Act.

As per section 4 (2) of RTI Act, Bank disclosed the information suo motu as under: for details Click on the link.

Policy on Cheque Collection 2024 – 2026 *Policy on Customer Experience * Salient Features of Genuine Currency Notes of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) * Designs of Bank Notes Issued by the Reserve Bank of India since 1967 *Financial Inclusion *Welfare of Minorities * Whistle Blower Policy * ATM Withdrawal Failure Complaint * Educational loan * POLICY ON APPOINTMENT OF STATUTORY BRANCH AUDITOR 2023-24 AND ONWARDS * POLICY ON APPOINTMENT OF STATUTORY CENTRAL AUDITORS 2023-24 AND ONWARDS * Consolidated Holiday List -2025.xlsx *Procedure of Locker/Safe Deposit of Articles * Service Charges/Forex Rates, *Lending Rates ,* Deposit Rates,* *Integrated Ombudsman Scheme* *TRANSFER POLICY 2021 * Promotion Policy for Officers – Scale I TO II, II TO III, III TO IV-21.03.2023 * Promotion Policy for Officers – Scale IV TO V, V TO VI, VI TO VII, VII TO VIII- 21.03.2023 * Details of Questions asked and reply in the parliament  *INDIAN BANK EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF AFFIARS AS ON 31.03.2021*INDIANBANK EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS AS ON 31.03.2022*INDIANBANK EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND STATEMENT OF AFFAIRS AS ON 31.03.2023* Award_Staff_Promotion_Settlement * Award_Staff_Periodical_Transfer_Policy* Award_Staff_Request_Transfer Policy* Compliance Policy 2024-25*


( Last modified on Jan 06, 2025 at 04:01:51 PM )

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