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SHG GRIHALAKSHMI (Housing loan to SHG Members)

SHG GRIHALAKSHMI (Housing loan to SHG Members)

                      SHG GRIHALAKSHMI (Housing loan to SHG Members) 
Sl. Particulars Guidelines
1. Target Group &


  • Members of SHGs in active existence/good track record for a minimum period of 1 year and above which are preferably carrying out economic activity either individually or jointly so as to have repaying capacity.
  • All members of the identified SHG in the age group between 18-60 years.
  • Applicant should possess title deed/patta pass book/legally valid document/allotment letter issued by appropriate revenue authority and supported by other documents like tax paid receipt either in the name of the SHG member or in the name of his/her family members conveying clear title.
  • Loan should be recommended by the SHG/NGO, though loan will be in the names of individuals.
2. Purpose Construction/purchase of a house including sheds/godowns/to carry out related economic activities (eg. Cattle shed, provision store, Vegetable shop etc.)

All kind of improvements/ repairs/ maintenance/ value addition/ extension of existing house/ shed such as

  1. Replacing thatched roof with RCC/Tiled roof
  2. Construction of toilets/bathrooms/compound wall
  3. Installation of Rainwater harvesting devices

Loan for purchase of plot/site should be part of the Housing loan. (Transfer of property among blood relatives/family members not permissible)

3. Loan Amount  Maximum loan limit Rs.200000/- per member
4. Margin Norms  10%
5. Repayment  Maximum period of 15 years.
6. Processing & other charges  NIL
7. Rate of Interest  Please refer the Lending Rates link on homepage in our Bank’s Website
8. Insurance  House   building/   shed   constructed/purchased, should   be     comprehensively insured against all risks at borrower’s cost.

For further details, please contact your nearest branch.

( Last modified on Nov 06, 2024 at 03:11:01 PM )