IND Rupee Gain
- An innovative Deposit scheme that gives you an impressive return.
- It consists of FCNR Deposit and Forward Contract, repaid in INR to NRE Savings Bank Account on maturity by converting at contracted forward rate on due date of Deposit.
- The return is the sum of FCNR Interest rate + Forward premium for relevant period.
- IND Rupee Gain Deposit can be opened either with funds available in NRE a/c or with Fresh remittance.
- Minimum amount of IRG deposit is USD 10,000 and in case of non-USD currencies, minimum amount is equivalent to USD 10,000.
- The tenor and the currency can be selected based on the FCNR interest rate and forward premium applicable for the respective currencies.
- The IRG proceeds are freely repatriable and Tax free in India.
( Last modified on Dec 19, 2024 at 12:12:26 PM )