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Centralized Pension Processing Centre

Centralized Pension Processing Centre

Pensioners are worthy customers who are ambassadors of our Bank and they are important source for business development of our bank. With a view to provide better and complaint free service to all pensioners, by  keeping abreast with the pension rules, Indian Bank has centralized the payment of pension throughout the country in all pension paying Branches. In our Bank we have established Centralized Pension Processing Centre at Chennai to facilitate the calculation of the pension at centralized level for all the pensioners drawing pension from our Indian Bank. All the changes in Pension Paying parameters including revised DA, arrears of DA etc. are also done centrally and payment of arrears as per pay commission recommendations by calculation of the same as per the data available in the Centralized pension processing Centre (CPPC).  By this we are assured of timely and accurate payment of pension to all categories of pensioners.

Pension is granted by the Central as well as State Governments as one of the retirement benefits to their employees. All the Public Sector Banks are authorized to make pension payment on behalf of Government.

Our Bank provides pension payment facility to the following categories of pensioners on Pan India basis:

  • Central Civil
  • Defence
  • Railways
  • Telecom & Postal
  • State Govt.

CPPC, Lucknow was merged with CPPC, Chennai. Now, the disbursement of all pensions and all other related activities of both Central and State Government Pensions is handled by CPPC Chennai only.

The Paying branches are having the rights to update the data pertaining to their branch pensioners using a secured mechanism of maker and checker facility.  For the existing pensioners of our bank, any further changes / modifications in the Pension data, it should be done by the paying branch only [like Corrigendum PPO, death of the pensioner, Change of pension to other branches / banks].

The details required for availing Pension Disbursement Facility from Indian Bank are  as under:

  • Before commencement of pension – Pensioners should have a Savings Bank Account preferably Joint account with Spouse [E or S] with our bank.
  • The same has to be intimated to PPO issuing authorities for sending the PPO to the “CPPC Chennai / Branch where pension account is maintained” for crediting the pension amount.


The net pension of the pensioners is arrived by adding the following:

  • Basic Pension
  • Disability Pension
  • Age Quantum
  • Personal Pension
  • Dearness Relief amount
  • Medical Allowance
  • Other Allowances

And deducting the following:

  • Commutation deduction amount
  • Any excess paid Pension
  • Income Tax Amount

The Dearness Relief (DR) is calculated as below:
DR Amount = [Basic Pension + Disability Pension + Age Quantum] * DR%

Other Important Points :

  • Disability pension is paid to eligible Defence Pensioners only. It may be Temporary or Permanent as per PPO instructions.
  • Medical Allowance up to maximum of Rs.1000/- is eligible for the pensioners belonging to Central Civil, Defence, Railway, Telecom, TN state, etc categories for those who are not under ECHS scheme
  • Other Allowances :
    • For Defence :  Exgratia / Constant Attendants allowance/Gallary Awards, etc.
  • Commutation Deduction: Our system will automatically restore the Commutation installments after 15 years from the date of payment of commutation amount or as per the restoration date mentioned in PPO.
  • Enhanced family pension has to be paid only up to the date specified in the PPO. After the specified date, normal family pension is paid automatically.
  • Income Tax is deducted at source on pension payment by CPPC in our Bank. Pensioners are requested to submit the saving/investment details for the purpose of claiming Tax exemption at the branches, where the pension is credited.
  • Every pensioner has to submit Annual Life Certificate in the month of November for further continuation of pension. However, the pensioners in the age group of 80 years and above are allowed to submit Life Certificate from 1st October onwards, instead of 1st November onwards, every year.
  • Video based Life Certificate submission facility has also been implemented in our Bank. Pensioners can submit Life Certificate through this mode by visiting Bank Website -> Useful Links -> Online Services -> Online Video Life Certificate Submission

Downloading of  Pension slip:

  • Pensioner can download their Pension Slip via Net Banking login: Net Banking -> Value Added Services -> Other Services -> Pension Enquiry.


Below are the various channels available for pensioners for registering their complaints/queries

  1. pensionhelp[at]
  2. cppc[at]
  3. customercomplaints[at]
  4. ‘CGRS Portal’ available in Bank Website.
  5. Pensioners can also submit their queries or complaints through Pension drawing Branch
  6. Bank Toll Free No. 180042500000

Communication details:

Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC)
2nd Floor, No.7 Prakasam Salai,
T.Nagar, Chennai – 600017
Email: cppc[at]
Helpline No. – 9445030401/9445030402
Landline No. – 044-28159850/28154139

( Last modified on Mar 22, 2024 at 11:03:30 AM )

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